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Displaying Results 1 - 20 of 5155
Math & Science Professional Development Teaching Math: Grades 4-6   Course Details Reinvent math instruction for grades 4-6 by bringing hands-on...
Classroom Technology Professional Development Integrating Technology in the Classroom   Course Details Around 30% of students in sixth grade already have...
Online PD: Childhood Development Course Title: Teaching Students With ADHD Learn the simple and practical steps you can take to help children with ADHD...
Reading and Writing Professional Development Guided Reading and Writing: Strategies for Maximum Student Achievement (Self-Guided)   Course Details Around...
Exponent Explorer's Quest: A Hands-On Adventure Grade Level: 6th Grade Duration: 3 class periods (approximately 45 minutes each) Objective:  Students...
The Power and Potential of Literacy Initiatives in Education Knowing how to read, write, and understand things is crucial in education. It's the foundation...
Tackling Truancy: Strategies for Addressing Student Absence Problems Truancy is the act of missing school without a valid excuse. Being truant can harm...
6 Must-Ask Questions in Your Teaching Interview Do you have an upcoming teaching interview? Congratulations! Landing a teaching job is more than just having...
Open House Dos and Don'ts: What Not to Do to Make a Lasting Impression Welcome, educators, to the nerve-wracking yet exciting event known as Open House. It'...
Teaching Resourcefulness in the Age of Artificial Intelligence If we made a laundry list of topics that teachers are most worried about right now, it might...
5 Creative Practices to Develop Strong Writing Skills If you're on a mission to help your students become top-notch writers, you've come to the right...
Why Cybersecurity Needs to be Taught More in Every Classroom In a world where technology is as common as crayons and textbooks, our students must...
5 Innovative Approaches to K-12 Visual Arts Education Art isn't just a free hour for kids to play with scissors and glue. It's a way for students to express...
Storytelling with Tech: Creating Digital Narratives Grade Level: 6th-8th grade Duration: 2 class periods (60 minutes each) Objective: Students will create...
All About Me: A Personal History Project Objective: This lesson aims to guide students in creating a personal history project that allows them to share...
Maximizing the Impact of Tech: 10 Apps Every Teacher Should Know About Every K-12 teacher needs an arsenal of digital tools that can revolutionize student...
Empowering Students: How to Foster Self-Directed Learning The rapidly evolving education landscape has made it increasingly clear that students need more...
Strategies for Developing Effective Study Skills in Students Effective study skills are essential for students to excel academically and achieve their full...
7 New Strategies to Boost Any Student’s Reading and Writing Skills As educators, we're constantly seeking innovative ways to enhance our students' reading...
10 Strategies to Create a Culture of Innovation in Your Classroom As educators, we strive to prepare our students for an evolving future. One of the key...
